Arhivă pentru iulie, 2011

Nume: Tracey Wigginton
Nascut – 1965 / Decedata – ****
Numar de victime: 1
Complici: Lisa Ptaschinski, Kim Jervis si Tracey Waugh

Tracey Wigginton este originala din Australia, nascuta in 1965, a socat lumea dupa ce in 1989 a ucis un om pentru a-i bea sangele.
In noaptea zile de 20 octombrie 1989, Esward Baldock, un barbat de 47 de ani, se intorcea dintr-o carciuma unde isi petrecuse timpul cu prietenii sai, cand a fost ademenit de cele 4 femei: Tracey Wigginton, iubita ei Lisa Ptaschinski si inca 2 prietene Kim Jervis si Tracey Waugh. Profitand de starea sa avansata de ebrietate, l-au ademenit intr-o parte izolata a parcului de pe malul raului Brisbane [pretextand ca doresc intimitate pentru activitatile sexuale].
Wigginton l-a injunghiat pe barbat de 27 de ori in jona umerilor si a pieptului cu o brutalitate iesita din comun, incat aproape l-a decapitat. Cadavrul avea sa fie descoperit abia a doua zi de dimineata de catre trecatori, iar arestarea femeilor a fost relativ rapida pentru ca-ntr-un pantof al victimei a fost gasit un card cu numele lui Wigginton.
Pana aici poate parea o crima oarecare, dar lucrurile au luat o intorsatura ciudata in timpul procesului, cand Wigginton s-a recunoscut vinovata admitand nu numai ca l-a ucis pe barbat, dar si ca i-a baut sangele. Anchetatorii crezusera initial ca trupul era aproape golit de sange deoarece avea prea multe plagi.
Femeia a continuat prin a declara ca este un vampir si ca nu se mai hranise de cativa ani cu alimente, preferand in schimb sa bea sange de porc sau de vita pe care-l procura de la macelar. Iubisa sa, Lisa Ptaschinski, a recunoscut chiar ca in cateva randuri si-a crestat venele pentru a o lasa sa-i bea sangele. Si tocmai necesitatea crescanda a lui Wigginton pentru sange uman le-a facut pe cele 4 femei sa plece in cautarea unei victime in acea noapte.
Cuplul a primit pedeapsa maxima [inchisoare pe viata], iar cele 2 complice au fost inchise pentru 18 ani [mai tarziu redusa la 12 ani]. Tracey Waugh a fost in cele din urma achitata pentru ca apararea a sustinut ca nu s-a implicat activ in evenimentele din acea noapte.

NOTA: In prezent peste 4 aplicatii pentru eliberare conditionata au fost respinse.

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Legenda Rosei Latulippe

Posted: iulie 16, 2011 by ForSaKeN in Religia
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Exista peste 500 de variante pentru aceasta legenda, iar cea pe care urmeaza sa o prezint face referire la un vampir. Povestile erau folosite de preoti in Canada in sec XIII pentru a predica impotriva seratelor ce deveneau din ce in ce mai frecvente in acea perioada.
Este de fapt vorba despre contaminare.
Aceasta intervine in cadrul unui bal organizat de domnul Latulippe in noaptea dinainte de lasatul secului. Diavolul-vampir isi face aparitia la bal deghizat ca un nobil imbracat in costum de catifea neagra cu panglici si este invitat de stapanul casei sa asiste la bal. [este invitat in casa si se face aluzie la neglijenta precum si la iluziile creeate de fortele malefice]
Desi incantatoarea Rosa era logodita cu un tanar din sat pe nime Gabriel [nume biblic] ea nu-i poate rezista tanarului in vesminte negre.
Cand tatal incearca sa opreasca balul la miezul noptii, ea il convinge sa-l prelungeasca pentru ca ii placea sa danseze cu noul venit. [aluzie la nesocotirea invatamintelor religioase]
Seducatorul o subjuga si ii cere sa pecetluiasca viitoarea lor impreunare cu un gest demonstrativ: o strangere de mana. [aluzie la initierea sexuala si la pacatul carnal] Insa isi retrase degraba mana pentru ca simtise o intepatura si pretextand o indispozitie neasteptata parasi sala balului. [aluzie la pactul semnat cu sange]
Cand i se cere sa se retraga, strainul pretinde ca fata i s-a dat din momentul in care i-a sangerat in palma. Este alungat doar dupa ce Rosa se „da domnului” calugarindu-se.
Comunitatea avea sa se elibereze abia 5 ani mai tarziu prin moartea tinerei. [aluzie la sacrificiu pentru binele comunitatii]

NOTA: Am evidentiat in paranteze anumite lucruri. Faceti legaturile 😉

Nota: Nu am vrut sa includ initial un articol pe acest subiect, dar dupa o mai atenta considerare am ajuns la concluzia ca avem de-a face si in acest caz tot cu o relatare documentata, desi si de aceasta data – ca si in cazul Petre Toma – multi sunt cei ce iau in deradere acest subiect. Daca tabloidele au considerat ca merita turul, am sa-mi pierd si eu cateva minute tastand.

Evenimentul in cauza se intampla in data de 14 mai 2008 si avea ca protagonisti o multime de cetateni de etnie roma, locuitori ai Medgidiei. Ei au facut o vizita mai putin obijnuita mormantului lui Ghiulten Memedali – o femeie de 39 de ani ce murise de infart pe 27 martie al aceluiasi an. Alaiul cuprinzand cateva zeci de rromi musulmani actiona astfel de frica [instigata de superstitii] ca femeia era un strigoi. Efectele simtite dupa moartea respectivei includeau: mutarea obiectelor, aparitii in casa unde locuise, conversatii rautacioase cu rudele si terorizarea din timpul noptii acompaniata de ciupituri si lovituri. Asa se face ca la data sus mentionata rudele si vecinii lui Ghiulten au purces spre cimitir cu gandul de a indeplini ritualurile specifice.
Planul le-a fost dejucat de autoritatile ce au trimis forte de ordine pentru a pastra actiunile in limitele legale. Pentru linistirea multimii s-a purces la dezgroparea moartei si la sfintirea sa si a mormantului sau prin indeplinirea unor slujbe conforme cu religia lor. S-au notat in schimb tot felul de lucruri, interpretate drept dovezi clare ca moarta se intorcea din mormant: crucea era aplecata, in pamant erau gauri pe unde se presupunea ca iesea din mormant.
Se pare insa ca strigoiul nu s-a linistit dupa acest episod, astfel ca la o data necunoscuta autoritatilor oamenii s-au intors pe furis la mormant si si-au dus la bun sfarsit planul initial, infigand un tarus in inima cadavrului.
Asa se face ca dupa ce procurorul ce se ocupa de caz si-a dat acordul pentru a o doua dezhumare, autoritatile au descoperit ca trupul femeii fusese strapuns in dreptul inimii.

Notez cateva lucruri interesante:
– luand in calcul faptul ca nu apartineau religiei crestine sau catolice, nu-mi explic cum au putut sa fie intr-atat de terorizati; de obicei legendele cu vampiri sunt mult mai prezente in subconstientul crestinilor datorita secolelor cat preotii ni le innoculau.
– rudele au sustinut ca o vedeau si-n timpul zilei, iar nici o victima nocturna nu s-a plans de moleseala, deci simptomele erau mai usor de interpretat drept un fenomen poltergeist [ceea ce e posibil sa fi fost in fond]

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╬╬╬ Superstitii
Petre Toma

Cea mai timpurie relatare a unui incident vampiric din regiunea Sileziei dateaza de la inceputul secolului 16 si face referire la un cizmar ce s-a sinucis in 1591 in orasul Breslau. Familia a acoperit modul pacator in care a murit, astfel ca omul a primit o inmormantare crestineasca in conformitate cu ritualurile vremii.
In ciuda faptului ca au aparut zvonuri cu privire la circumstantele mortii sale, familia a continuat sa sustina varianta initiala, astfel ca timp de 8 luni corpul nu a fost exhumat.
Dar lucrurile au scapat de sub control cand spectrul mortului a inceput sa-si faca aparitia atat in timpul zilei cat si al noptii. Aparea in timp ce oamenii dormeau si se aseza langa sau pe ei strivindu-i [sufocandu-i] si ciupindu-i; uneori nu lasa numai vanatai pe corp ci si impresia degetelor sale. Oamenii erau atat de speriati incat se adunau in camere si dormeau cu randul la lumina lumanarilor.
Corpul a fost exhumat pe 15 aprilie 1592 si s-a descoperit ca nu prezenta nici un semn de descompunere, iar pe degetul mare de la piciorul drept avea un semn magic sub forma unui trandafir. A fost tinut timp de 3 zile sub supraceghere, dar deoarece nu parea sa putrezeasca a fost reingropat sub esafod, dar nici aceasta masura nu l-a oprit din perindarile nocturne.
Abia atunci vaduva s-a prezentat in fata autoritatilor si a marturisit adevaratele circumstante ale mortii barbatului ei. Pe 7 mai corpul a fost exhumat pentru a doua oara, iar de data aceasta capul, mainile si picioarele ai fost desprinse de restul corpului. Inima a fost inlaturata din cavitatea toracica, iar partile au fost arse. Cenusa astfel rezultata a fost adunata si aruncata intr-un rau.
Cizmarul nu a mai fost vazut de atunci.

*** Povestea a fost prezentata de Henry More in lucrarea sa “An antidote to Atheism”

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╬╬╬ Superstitii
Petre Toma

Alicia’s entire honeymoon gave her hot and cold shivers. A blonde, angelic, and timid young girl, the childish fancies she had dreamed about being a bride had been chilled by her husband’s rough character. She loved him very much, nonetheless, although sometimes she gave a light shudder when, as they returned home through the streets together at night, she cast a furtive glance at the impressive stature of her Jordan, who had been silent for an hour. He, for his part, loved her profoundly but never let it be seen.
For three months–they had been married in April–they lived in a special kind of bliss.
Doubtless she would have wished less severity in the rigorous sky of love, more expansive and less cautious tenderness, but her husband’s impassive manner always restrained her.
The house in which they lived influenced her chills and shuddering to no small degree. The whiteness of the silent patio–friezes, columns, and marble statues–produced the wintry impression of an enchanted palace. Inside the glacial brilliance of stucco, the completely bare walls, affirmed the sensation of unpleasant coldness. As one crossed from one room to another, the echo of his steps reverberated throughout the house, as if long abandonment had sensitized its resonance.
Alicia passed the autumn in this strange love nest. She had determined, however, to cast a veil over her former dreams and live like a sleeping beauty in the hostile house, trying not to think about anything until her husband arrived each evening.
It is not strange that she grew thin. She had a light attack of influenza that dragged on insidiously for days and days: after that Alicia’s health never returned. Finally one afternoon she was able to go into the garden, supported on her husband’s arm. She looked around listlessly.
Suddenly Jordan, with deep tenderness, ran his hand very slowly over her head, and Alicia instantly burst into sobs, throwing her arms around his neck. For a long time she cried out all the fears she had kept silent, redoubling her weeping at Jordan’s slightest caress. Then her sobs subsided, and she stood a long while, her face hidden in the hollow of his neck, not moving or speaking a word.
This was the last day Alicia was well enough to be up. On the following day she awakened feeling faint. Jordan’s doctor examined her with minute attention, prescribing calm and absolute rest.
‘I don’t know,’ he said to Jordan at the street door. ‘She has a great weakness that I am unable to explain. And with no vomiting, nothing…if she wakes tomorrow as she did today, call me at once. ‘
When she awakened the following day, Alicia was worse. There was a consultation. It was agreed there was an anemia of incredible progression, completely inexplicable. Alicia had no more fainting spells, but she was visibly moving toward death. The lights were lighted all day long in her bedroom, and there was complete silence. Hours went by without the slightest sound.
Alicia dozed. Jordan virtually lived in the drawing room, which was also always lighted. With tireless persistence he paced ceaselessly from one end of the room to the other. The carpet swallowed his steps. At times he entered the bedroom and continued his silent pacing back and forth alongside the bed, stopping for an instant at each end to regard his wife.
Suddenly Alicia began to have hallucinations, vague images, at first seeming to float in the air, then descending to floor level. Her eyes excessively wide, she stared continuously at the carpet on either side of the head of her bed. One night she suddenly focused on one spot. Then she opened her mouth to scream, and pearls of sweat suddenly beaded her nose and lips.
‘Jordan! Jordan!’ she clamored, rigid with fright, still staring at the carpet.
Jordan ran to the bedroom, and, when she saw him appear, Alicia screamed with terror.
‘It’s I, Alicia, it’s I!’
Alicia looked at him confusedly; she looked at the carpet; she looked at him once again; and after a long moment of stupefied confrontation, she regained her senses. She smiled and took her husband’s hand in hers, caressing it, trembling, for half an hour.
Among her most persistent hallucinations was that of an anthropoid poised on his fingertips on the carpet, staring at her.
The doctors returned, but to no avail. They saw before them a diminishing life, a life bleeding away day by day, hour by hour, absolutely without their knowing why. During their last consultation Alicia lay in a stupor while they took her pulse, passing her inert wrist from one to another. They observed her a long time in silence and then moved into the dining room.
‘Phew. . .’ The discouraged chief physician shrugged his shoulders. ‘It is an inexplicable case. There is little we can do. . .’
‘That’s my last hope!’ Jordan groaned. And he staggered blindly against the table.
Alicia’s life was fading away in the sub delirium of anemia, a delirium which grew worse through the evening hours but which let up somewhat after dawn. The illness never worsened during the daytime, but each morning she awakened pale as death, almost in a swoon. It seemed only at night that her life drained out of her in new waves of blood. Always when she awakened she had the sensation of lying collapsed in the bed with a million-pound weight on top of her.
Following the third day of this relapse she never left her bed again. She could scarcely move her head. She did not want her bed to be touched, not even to have her bedcovers arranged. Her crepuscular terrors advanced now in the form of monsters that dragged themselves toward the bed and laboriously climbed upon the bedspread.
Then she lost consciousness. The final two days she raved ceaselessly in a weak voice. The lights funereally illuminated the bedroom and drawing room. In the deathly silence of the house the only sound was the monotonous delirium from the bedroom and the dull echoes of Jordan’s eternal pacing.
Finally, Alicia died. The servant, when she came in afterward to strip the now empty bed, stared wonderingly for a moment at the pillow.
‘Sir!’ she called Jordan in a low voice. ‘There are stains on the pillow that look like blood.’
Jordan approached rapidly and bent over the pillow. Truly, on the case, on both sides of the hollow left by Alicia’s head, were two small dark spots.
‘They look like punctures’ the servant murmured after a moment of motionless observation.
‘Hold it up to the light’ Jordan told her.
The servant raised the pillow but immediately dropped it and stood staring at it, livid and trembling. Without knowing why, Jordan felt the hair rise on the back of his neck.
‘What is it?’ he murmured in a hoarse voice.
‘It’s very heavy,’ the servant whispered, still trembling.
Jordan picked it up; it was extraordinarily heavy. He carried it out of the room, and on the dining room table he ripped open the case and the ticking with a slash. The top feathers floated away, and the servant, her mouth opened wide, gave a scream of horror and covered her face with her clenched fists: in the bottom of the pillowcase, among the feathers, slowly moving its hairy legs, was a monstrous animal, a living, viscous ball. It was so swollen one could scarcely make out its mouth.
Night after night, since Alicia had taken to her bed, this abomination had stealthily applied its mouth–its proboscis one might better say–to the girl’s temples, sucking her blood. The puncture was scarcely perceptible. The daily plumping of the pillow had doubtlessly at first impeded its progress, but as soon as the girl could no longer move, the suction became vertiginous. In five days, in five nights, the monster had drained Alicia’s life away.
These parasites of feathered creatures, diminutive in their habitual environment, reach enormous proportions under certain conditions. Human blood seems particularly favorable to them, and it is not rare to encounter them in feather pillows.

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